Fasting: the reset button



Before all the modern diet fads entered the market to taunt us with losing weight and detoxifying the body;  humans fasted for a more spiritual purpose.  Fasting helps one observe every detail of themselves.  It’s a reset button for the soul.

When I fast it’s in hopes to observe the nasty patterns I have picked up along the way and in this observation I can drag these patterns to the surface, love them and move on.  I observe my mental patterns related to food, how my body feels when the fast is resetting it’s patterns and in general;  how my mind is reacting to everything inside and out.

There are not enough clinical studies out there to come to some sort of conclusion that fasting is a miracle cure.  No.  However I found a small study done on the effects of a 3 day juice fast and gut microbes.

Here is the link:

When fasting or preparing for a fast, I recommend to do it with the intention of loving yourself.  Not punishment in the means of losing weight.  Observe yourself instead, lovingly, ever step of the way.

Prepare ahead of time.  Set your goal.  Gather everything you need.

The fast that I do was given to me by a colleague who is a practicing Ayurvedic doctor.  It’s 7 day ease in and ease out plan.  A lot of the time, depending on how far the patterns have run away with me, I like to repeat the 7 day pattern a few times.  Towards the 5-6th day I eat an easy to digest sprouted kichari of brown rice and lentils.  Through out the fast I drink a lot of dandelion tea, fresh apple juice, wheat grass, apple cider vinegar and other liquids.

Here is a case study done on dandelion and type 2 diabetes:

When I start to get low which usually happens around 4pm, I drink another glass of watered down apple juice with a table spoon of apple cider vinegar.  My colleague told me that the vinegar breaks up the clumps in the blood giving more energy.  I haven’t found any research on this topic yet, but I do gain more energy after drinking the spicy ferment.

Observe, love and enjoy the ride!

If you have any questions, please contact me through my website:


Facebook:  Yoga Dance Essen